Services for Families
"We cannot protect our children from life. Therefore, it is essential that we prepare them for it."
Roudolf Dreikurs

Parent Coaching
-Nurturing relationships based on love and respect for the child.
- Implementing Positive Discipline at Home.
- How to promote Montessori at home?
- Raising multilingual children.
Parenting Classes/Workshops
- Parenting classes: cultivating love at home, raising children through love and respect.
- Translanguaging at home, promoting freedom of expression to allow children to unfold their unique identity!
Creating Community
- It takes a village to raise a child... connect with other parents going through similar ups and downs to create a solid network that can hold up your back!
Parenting Resources
- Personalized resources
- Book recommendations
- Printable Resources
-Online resources
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Let's work together...
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." Helen Keller